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Total of 50 discs find associated with the keyword leopard
Clouded LeopardClouded LeopardTornado Throw
Clouded Leopard
Tornado Throw
mid range driver
DiscLine: Basic Variation: Clouded Leopard PDGAApprovedDate: Not Approved Produced: Diameter (cm): MaxWeight (gram): Height (cm): RimDepth (cm): InsideRimDiameter (cm): RimThickness (cm): RimDepthDiameterRatio (%): RimConfigurationRating (mm): FlexibilityRating (kg): FlyingCharacteristics: Understable Flightplatethickness: Flightplatetorimplanedistance: Notes: Flight rating, S x, G x, HSS x and LSS x.

ImageCredits: Discmania
FD (Fairway Driver)
long range driver
DiscLine: S-line Variation: S FD Jackal PDGAApprovedDate: 20111113 Produced: 2011nov-> Diameter (cm): 21.2 MaxWeight (gram): 176.0 Height (cm): 1.8 RimDepth (cm): 1.1 InsideRimDiameter (cm): 17.5 RimThickness (cm): 1.8 RimDepthDiameterRatio (%): 5.2 RimConfigurationRating (mm): 34.75 FlexibilityRating (kg): 9.53 FlyingCharacteristics: Stable Flightplatethickness: Flightplatetorimplanedistance: Notes: First real fairway driver from Discmania, falls in between the Innova Leopard and Teebird. First released as a fundraiser for Russian Open 2012 in S and C-line. Since March 2012 also available in the regulare S-line. Flight numbers are Speed 7 Glide 6 HSS -1 och LSS 1. Abbreviation on the bottom is "S FD".

ImageCredits: Discmania
FD (Fairway Driver)
long range driver
DiscLine: D-line Variation: D FD Jackal PDGAApprovedDate: 20111113 Produced: 2012feb-> Diameter (cm): 21.2 MaxWeight (gram): 176.0 Height (cm): 1.8 RimDepth (cm): 1.1 InsideRimDiameter (cm): 17.5 RimThickness (cm): 1.8 RimDepthDiameterRatio (%): 5.2 RimConfigurationRating (mm): 34.75 FlexibilityRating (kg): 9.53 FlyingCharacteristics: Stable Flightplatethickness: Flightplatetorimplanedistance: Notes: First real fairway driver from Discmania, falls in between the Innova Leopard and Teebird. Flight numbers are Speed 7 Glide 6 HSS -1 och LSS 1. Abbreviation on the bottom is "FD".

ImageCredits: Discmania
FD (Fairway Driver)
long range driver
DiscLine: C-line Variation: C FD Jackal PDGAApprovedDate: 2011-11-13 Produced: 2011nov-> Diameter (cm): 21.2 MaxWeight (gram): 176.0 Height (cm): 1.8 RimDepth (cm): 1.1 InsideRimDiameter (cm): 17.5 RimThickness (cm): 1.8 RimDepthDiameterRatio (%): 5.2 RimConfigurationRating (mm): 34.75 FlexibilityRating (kg): 9.53 FlyingCharacteristics: Stable Flightplatethickness: Flightplatetorimplanedistance: Notes: First real fairway driver from Discmania, falls in between the Innova Leopard and Teebird. First released as a fundraiser for Russian Open 2012 in S and C-line. Released in regular C-line during October 2012. Flight numbers are Speed 7 Glide 6 HSS -1 och LSS 1. Abbreviation on the bottom is "FD".

ImageCredits: Discmania
FD (Fairway Driver)
long range driver
DiscLine: G-line Variation: G FD Jackal PDGAApprovedDate: 20111113 Produced: 2014 April-> Diameter (cm): 21.2 MaxWeight (gram): 176.0 Height (cm): 1.8 RimDepth (cm): 1.1 InsideRimDiameter (cm): 17.5 RimThickness (cm): 1.8 RimDepthDiameterRatio (%): 5.2 RimConfigurationRating (mm): 34.75 FlexibilityRating (kg): 9.53 FlyingCharacteristics: Stable Flightplatethickness: Flightplatetorimplanedistance: Notes: First real fairway driver from Discmania, falls in between the Innova Leopard and Teebird. First released G-line (Same as Innova GStar) at the 2nd of MAy 2014. Flight numbers are Speed 7 Glide 6 HSS -1 och LSS 1. Abbreviation on the bottom is "G* FD".

ImageCredits: Discmania
FD (Fairway Driver)
long range driver
DiscLine: C-line Glow Variation: C FD Glo PDGAApprovedDate: 20111113 Produced: 2014 October-> Diameter (cm): 21.2 MaxWeight (gram): 176.0 Height (cm): 1.8 RimDepth (cm): 1.1 InsideRimDiameter (cm): 17.5 RimThickness (cm): 1.8 RimDepthDiameterRatio (%): 5.2 RimConfigurationRating (mm): 34.75 FlexibilityRating (kg): 9.53 FlyingCharacteristics: Stable Flightplatethickness: Flightplatetorimplanedistance: Notes: First real fairway driver from Discmania, falls in between the Innova Leopard and Teebird. First released as a fundraiser for Russian Open 2012 in S and C-line. Released in regular C-line during October 2012. In Glow C-line since October 2014. Flight numbers are Speed 7 Glide 6 HSS -1 och LSS 1. Abbreviation on the bottom is "FD".

ImageCredits: Discmania
FD (Fairway Driver)
long range driver
DiscLine: Metal Flake C-line Variation: Metal Flake FD Jackal PDGAApprovedDate: 2011-11-13 Produced: 2016 November -> Diameter (cm): 21.2 MaxWeight (gram): 176.0 Height (cm): 1.8 RimDepth (cm): 1.1 InsideRimDiameter (cm): 17.5 RimThickness (cm): 1.8 RimDepthDiameterRatio (%): 5.2 RimConfigurationRating (mm): 34.75 FlexibilityRating (kg): 9.53 FlyingCharacteristics: Stable Flightplatethickness: Flightplatetorimplanedistance: Notes: First real fairway driver from Discmania, falls in between the Innova Leopard and Teebird. First released as a fundraiser for Russian Open 2012 in S and C-line. Released in regular C-line during October 2012. Flight numbers are Speed 7 Glide 6 HSS -1 och LSS 1. Abbreviation on the bottom is "FD". In Metal Flake C-line since november 2016 as a prototype test run.

ImageCredits: Infinite Discs
FD (Fairway Driver)
long range driver
DiscLine: Luster C-line Variation: Luster FD Jackal PDGAApprovedDate: 2011-11-13 Produced: 2016 November-> Diameter (cm): 21.2 MaxWeight (gram): 176.0 Height (cm): 1.8 RimDepth (cm): 1.1 InsideRimDiameter (cm): 17.5 RimThickness (cm): 1.8 RimDepthDiameterRatio (%): 5.2 RimConfigurationRating (mm): 34.75 FlexibilityRating (kg): 9.53 FlyingCharacteristics: Stable Flightplatethickness: Flightplatetorimplanedistance: Notes: First real fairway driver from Discmania, falls in between the Innova Leopard and Teebird. First released as a fundraiser for Russian Open 2012 in S and C-line. Released in regular C-line during October 2012. Flight numbers are Speed 7 Glide 6 HSS -1 och LSS 1. Abbreviation on the bottom is "FD". Luster line is a glossy version of the C-line plastic, available in Luster C-line since november 2016. Luster line plastic FD was only available as fundraiser discs until december 2018, see photo.

ImageCredits: Innova/ Champion
Innova/ Champion
long range driver
DiscLine: Star Variation: Star Hawkeye PDGAApprovedDate: 2022-01-24 Produced: 2021 December-> Diameter (cm): 21.1 MaxWeight (gram): 175.1 Height (cm): 1.7 RimDepth (cm): 1.2 InsideRimDiameter (cm): 17.5 RimThickness (cm): 1.8 RimDepthDiameterRatio (%): 5.7 RimConfigurationRating (mm): 35.75 FlexibilityRating (kg): 11.14 FlyingCharacteristics: Stable Flightplatethickness: Flightplatetorimplanedistance: Notes: The Company describes the disc like this: - The Innova Star Hawkeye Halo 2022 Hailey King Tour Series Disc Golf Fairway Driver is a stable disc that is designed for longer straight flights. The Hawkeye has a dome and feels very smooth on the wing and the inside rim which is unusual because most drivers have one edge that is pointed. It is also a very soft halo disc, and is much more soft in the hand like GStar plastic. The stamp features a metal bird with a crown on the head and razor sharp talons as it swoops down towards its prey. The flight path of the Hawkeye is straight with lots of glide and some early turn. It fits in between the Leopard3 and the Teebird for a disc. It has slightly less turn than the Leopard3 but a little more than the Teebird. It is a great choice for beginning players who want a disc with a little extra stability in the flight. With a small rim it is a great choice for forehand or backhand disc golfers. The Hawkeye excels when thrown straight which makes if perfect for tight lines, it is also great at holding a slow hyzer the whole way and can be thrown on an anhyzer but it will pan out and flex back.. - Flight Ratings: Speed 7, Glide 5, HSS -1 and LSS 1. Made from the Discmania original FD mold (Fairway Driver).

ImageCredits: Innova/ Champion
Innova/ Champion
long range driver
DiscLine: GStar Variation: GStar Hawkeye PDGAApprovedDate: 2022-01-24 Produced: 2022 September-> Diameter (cm): 21.1 MaxWeight (gram): 175.1 Height (cm): 1.7 RimDepth (cm): 1.2 InsideRimDiameter (cm): 17.5 RimThickness (cm): 1.8 RimDepthDiameterRatio (%): 5.7 RimConfigurationRating (mm): 35.75 FlexibilityRating (kg): 11.14 FlyingCharacteristics: Stable Flightplatethickness: Flightplatetorimplanedistance: Notes: The Company describes the disc like this: - The Innova Star Hawkeye Halo 2022 Hailey King Tour Series Disc Golf Fairway Driver is a stable disc that is designed for longer straight flights. The Hawkeye has a dome and feels very smooth on the wing and the inside rim which is unusual because most drivers have one edge that is pointed. It is also a very soft halo disc, and is much more soft in the hand like GStar plastic. The stamp features a metal bird with a crown on the head and razor sharp talons as it swoops down towards its prey. The flight path of the Hawkeye is straight with lots of glide and some early turn. It fits in between the Leopard3 and the Teebird for a disc. It has slightly less turn than the Leopard3 but a little more than the Teebird. It is a great choice for beginning players who want a disc with a little extra stability in the flight. With a small rim it is a great choice for forehand or backhand disc golfers. The Hawkeye excels when thrown straight which makes if perfect for tight lines, it is also great at holding a slow hyzer the whole way and can be thrown on an anhyzer but it will pan out and flex back.. - Flight Ratings: Speed 7, Glide 5, HSS -1 and LSS 1. Made from the Discmania original FD mold (Fairway Driver).

ImageCredits: Innova/ Champion
Innova/ Champion
long range driver
DiscLine: Champion Variation: Champion Hawkeye PDGAApprovedDate: 2022-01-24 Produced: 2022 September-> Diameter (cm): 21.1 MaxWeight (gram): 175.1 Height (cm): 1.7 RimDepth (cm): 1.2 InsideRimDiameter (cm): 17.5 RimThickness (cm): 1.8 RimDepthDiameterRatio (%): 5.7 RimConfigurationRating (mm): 35.75 FlexibilityRating (kg): 11.14 FlyingCharacteristics: Stable Flightplatethickness: Flightplatetorimplanedistance: Notes: The Company describes the disc like this: - The Innova Star Hawkeye Halo 2022 Hailey King Tour Series Disc Golf Fairway Driver is a stable disc that is designed for longer straight flights. The Hawkeye has a dome and feels very smooth on the wing and the inside rim which is unusual because most drivers have one edge that is pointed. It is also a very soft halo disc, and is much more soft in the hand like GStar plastic. The stamp features a metal bird with a crown on the head and razor sharp talons as it swoops down towards its prey. The flight path of the Hawkeye is straight with lots of glide and some early turn. It fits in between the Leopard3 and the Teebird for a disc. It has slightly less turn than the Leopard3 but a little more than the Teebird. It is a great choice for beginning players who want a disc with a little extra stability in the flight. With a small rim it is a great choice for forehand or backhand disc golfers. The Hawkeye excels when thrown straight which makes if perfect for tight lines, it is also great at holding a slow hyzer the whole way and can be thrown on an anhyzer but it will pan out and flex back.. - Flight Ratings: Speed 7, Glide 5, HSS -1 and LSS 1. Made from the Discmania original FD mold (Fairway Driver).

ImageCredits: Innova/ Champion
IT (Innova Tech)
Innova/ Champion
long range driver
DiscLine: Champion Variation: Champion IT PDGAApprovedDate: 2021-08-02 Produced: 2021 June-> Diameter (cm): 21.2 MaxWeight (gram): 176.0 Height (cm): 1.6 RimDepth (cm): 1.2 InsideRimDiameter (cm): 17.5 RimThickness (cm): 1.8 RimDepthDiameterRatio (%): 5.7 RimConfigurationRating (mm): 38.75 FlexibilityRating (kg): 8.98 FlyingCharacteristics: Stable Flightplatethickness: Flightplatetorimplanedistance: Notes: Innova describes the IT like this: - IT is alive! IT is alive!! After years of tinkering in his lab, Dave Dunipace’s newest creation is finally ready to be released onto the course. Mixing DNA from the Leopard and Roadrunner, what he has come up with is a most unique creation.... The Innova IT Fairway Driver was made to go straight and far, effortlessly. With ITs gentle turn and exceptional glide, tightly wooded fairways feel open and attackable. Take some power off, hit the gap, and watch IT glide right to the pin. When you would expect another Fairway Driver to fade and drop, IT holds on the line of release and carries. IT is great for low ceiling shots that require long flights just a few feet off the ground or for standstill throws that still need to get distance. IT is perfect for lacing lines through the woods and IT also makes an exceptional roller disc, even when new. For the easiest, straightest distance in a Fairway Driver yet, turn to IT.- Flight Ratings: Speed 7, Glide 6, HSS -2 and LSS 1. Released in the regular Champion plastic line-up in the middle of February 2023.

ImageCredits: Innova/ Champion
IT (Innova Tech)
Innova/ Champion
long range driver
DiscLine: Dx Variation: Dx IT PDGAApprovedDate: 2021-08-02 Produced: 2022 August -> Diameter (cm): 21.2 MaxWeight (gram): 176.0 Height (cm): 1.6 RimDepth (cm): 1.2 InsideRimDiameter (cm): 17.5 RimThickness (cm): 1.8 RimDepthDiameterRatio (%): 5.7 RimConfigurationRating (mm): 38.75 FlexibilityRating (kg): 8.98 FlyingCharacteristics: Stable Flightplatethickness: Flightplatetorimplanedistance: Notes: Innova describes the IT like this: - IT is alive! IT is alive!! After years of tinkering in his lab, Dave Dunipace’s newest creation is finally ready to be released onto the course. Mixing DNA from the Leopard and Roadrunner, what he has come up with is a most unique creation.... The Innova IT Fairway Driver was made to go straight and far, effortlessly. With ITs gentle turn and exceptional glide, tightly wooded fairways feel open and attackable. Take some power off, hit the gap, and watch IT glide right to the pin. When you would expect another Fairway Driver to fade and drop, IT holds on the line of release and carries. IT is great for low ceiling shots that require long flights just a few feet off the ground or for standstill throws that still need to get distance. IT is perfect for lacing lines through the woods and IT also makes an exceptional roller disc, even when new. For the easiest, straightest distance in a Fairway Driver yet, turn to IT.- Flight Ratings: Speed 7, Glide 6, HSS -2 and LSS 1.

ImageCredits: Innova/ Champion
IT (Innova Tech)
Innova/ Champion
long range driver
DiscLine: Star Variation: Star IT PDGAApprovedDate: 2021-08-02 Produced: 2022 August -> Diameter (cm): 21.2 MaxWeight (gram): 176.0 Height (cm): 1.6 RimDepth (cm): 1.2 InsideRimDiameter (cm): 17.5 RimThickness (cm): 1.8 RimDepthDiameterRatio (%): 5.7 RimConfigurationRating (mm): 38.75 FlexibilityRating (kg): 8.98 FlyingCharacteristics: Stable Flightplatethickness: Flightplatetorimplanedistance: Notes: Innova describes the IT like this: - IT is alive! It is alive!! After years of tinkering in his lab, Dave Dunipace’s newest creation is finally ready to be released onto the course. Mixing DNA from the Leopard and Roadrunner, what he has come up with is a most unique creation.... The Innova IT Fairway Driver was made to go straight and far, effortlessly. With ITs gentle turn and exceptional glide, tightly wooded fairways feel open and attackable. Take some power off, hit the gap, and watch IT glide right to the pin. When you would expect another Fairway Driver to fade and drop, IT holds on the line of release and carries. IT is great for low ceiling shots that require long flights just a few feet off the ground or for standstill throws that still need to get distance. IT is perfect for lacing lines through the woods and IT also makes an exceptional roller disc, even when new. For the easiest, straightest distance in a Fairway Driver yet, turn to IT.- Flight Ratings: Speed 7, Glide 6, HSS -2 and LSS 1.

ImageCredits: Innova/ Champion
IT (Innova Tech)
Innova/ Champion
long range driver
DiscLine: GStar Variation: GStar IT PDGAApprovedDate: 2021-08-02 Produced: 2022 August -> Diameter (cm): 21.2 MaxWeight (gram): 176.0 Height (cm): 1.6 RimDepth (cm): 1.2 InsideRimDiameter (cm): 17.5 RimThickness (cm): 1.8 RimDepthDiameterRatio (%): 5.7 RimConfigurationRating (mm): 38.75 FlexibilityRating (kg): 8.98 FlyingCharacteristics: Stable Flightplatethickness: Flightplatetorimplanedistance: Notes: Innova describes the IT like this: - IT is alive! It is alive!! After years of tinkering in his lab, Dave Dunipace’s newest creation is finally ready to be released onto the course. Mixing DNA from the Leopard and Roadrunner, what he has come up with is a most unique creation.... The Innova IT Fairway Driver was made to go straight and far, effortlessly. With ITs gentle turn and exceptional glide, tightly wooded fairways feel open and attackable. Take some power off, hit the gap, and watch IT glide right to the pin. When you would expect another Fairway Driver to fade and drop, IT holds on the line of release and carries. IT is great for low ceiling shots that require long flights just a few feet off the ground or for standstill throws that still need to get distance. IT is perfect for lacing lines through the woods and IT also makes an exceptional roller disc, even when new. For the easiest, straightest distance in a Fairway Driver yet, turn to IT.- Flight Ratings: Speed 7, Glide 6, HSS -2 and LSS 1.

ImageCredits: Innova/ Champion
IT (Innova Tech)
Innova/ Champion
long range driver
DiscLine: Glo Champion Variation: Glo Champion IT PDGAApprovedDate: 2021-08-02 Produced: 2022 December-> Diameter (cm): 21.2 MaxWeight (gram): 176.0 Height (cm): 1.6 RimDepth (cm): 1.2 InsideRimDiameter (cm): 17.5 RimThickness (cm): 1.8 RimDepthDiameterRatio (%): 5.7 RimConfigurationRating (mm): 38.75 FlexibilityRating (kg): 8.98 FlyingCharacteristics: Stable Flightplatethickness: Flightplatetorimplanedistance: Notes: Innova describes the IT like this: - IT is alive! IT is alive!! After years of tinkering in his lab, Dave Dunipace’s newest creation is finally ready to be released onto the course. Mixing DNA from the Leopard and Roadrunner, what he has come up with is a most unique creation.... The Innova IT Fairway Driver was made to go straight and far, effortlessly. With ITs gentle turn and exceptional glide, tightly wooded fairways feel open and attackable. Take some power off, hit the gap, and watch IT glide right to the pin. When you would expect another Fairway Driver to fade and drop, IT holds on the line of release and carries. IT is great for low ceiling shots that require long flights just a few feet off the ground or for standstill throws that still need to get distance. IT is perfect for lacing lines through the woods and IT also makes an exceptional roller disc, even when new. For the easiest, straightest distance in a Fairway Driver yet, turn to IT.- Flight Ratings: Speed 7, Glide 6, HSS -2 and LSS 1. Limited release in Glo Champion before Christmas 2022.

ImageCredits: Innova/ Champion
IT (Innova Tech)
Innova/ Champion
long range driver
DiscLine: Star Glow Variation: Star Glow IT PDGAApprovedDate: 2021-08-02 Produced: 2023 January-> Diameter (cm): 21.2 MaxWeight (gram): 176.0 Height (cm): 1.6 RimDepth (cm): 1.2 InsideRimDiameter (cm): 17.5 RimThickness (cm): 1.8 RimDepthDiameterRatio (%): 5.7 RimConfigurationRating (mm): 38.75 FlexibilityRating (kg): 8.98 FlyingCharacteristics: Stable Flightplatethickness: Flightplatetorimplanedistance: Notes: Innova describes the IT like this: - IT is alive! It is alive!! After years of tinkering in his lab, Dave Dunipace’s newest creation is finally ready to be released onto the course. Mixing DNA from the Leopard and Roadrunner, what he has come up with is a most unique creation.... The Innova IT Fairway Driver was made to go straight and far, effortlessly. With ITs gentle turn and exceptional glide, tightly wooded fairways feel open and attackable. Take some power off, hit the gap, and watch IT glide right to the pin. When you would expect another Fairway Driver to fade and drop, IT holds on the line of release and carries. IT is great for low ceiling shots that require long flights just a few feet off the ground or for standstill throws that still need to get distance. IT is perfect for lacing lines through the woods and IT also makes an exceptional roller disc, even when new. For the easiest, straightest distance in a Fairway Driver yet, turn to IT.- Flight Ratings: Speed 7, Glide 6, HSS -2 and LSS 1.

ImageCredits: Innova/ Champion
IT (Innova Tech)
Innova/ Champion
long range driver
DiscLine: Metal Flake Champion Variation: Metal Flake Glow IT PDGAApprovedDate: 2021-08-02 Produced: 2023 June-> Diameter (cm): 21.2 MaxWeight (gram): 176.0 Height (cm): 1.6 RimDepth (cm): 1.2 InsideRimDiameter (cm): 17.5 RimThickness (cm): 1.8 RimDepthDiameterRatio (%): 5.7 RimConfigurationRating (mm): 38.75 FlexibilityRating (kg): 8.98 FlyingCharacteristics: Stable Flightplatethickness: Flightplatetorimplanedistance: Notes: Innova describes the IT like this: - IT is alive! It is alive!! After years of tinkering in his lab, Dave Dunipace’s newest creation is finally ready to be released onto the course. Mixing DNA from the Leopard and Roadrunner, what he has come up with is a most unique creation.... The Innova IT Fairway Driver was made to go straight and far, effortlessly. With ITs gentle turn and exceptional glide, tightly wooded fairways feel open and attackable. Take some power off, hit the gap, and watch IT glide right to the pin. When you would expect another Fairway Driver to fade and drop, IT holds on the line of release and carries. IT is great for low ceiling shots that require long flights just a few feet off the ground or for standstill throws that still need to get distance. IT is perfect for lacing lines through the woods and IT also makes an exceptional roller disc, even when new. For the easiest, straightest distance in a Fairway Driver yet, turn to IT.- Flight Ratings: Speed 7, Glide 6, HSS -2 and LSS 1. Released in June 2023 in Metal Flake Champion as a fundraiser with the Air Force stamp.

Millennium discs
long range driver
DiscLine: Millennium standard plastic Variation: J PDGAApprovedDate: 19990616 Produced: 99 Diameter (cm): 21.0 MaxWeight (gram): 174.3 Height (cm): 1.5 RimDepth (cm): 1.1 InsideRimDiameter (cm): 17.8 RimThickness (cm): 1.6 RimDepthDiameterRatio (%): 5.2 RimConfigurationRating (mm): 30.75 FlexibilityRating (kg): 8.73 FlyingCharacteristics: Stable Flightplatethickness: Flightplatetorimplanedistance: Notes: JLS prototype/test-run from 99, first proto is not approved and is nicknamed "The Grail". Own Millenium mold, looks a lot like a Leopard, but basically it is made from the Teebird top with a Whippet wing.

ImageCredits: Kjell Söderholm
Millennium discs
long range driver
DiscLine: Millennium standard plastic Variation: JLS PDGAApprovedDate: 19990616 Produced: 99-today Diameter (cm): 21.0 MaxWeight (gram): 174.3 Height (cm): 1.5 RimDepth (cm): 1.1 InsideRimDiameter (cm): 17.8 RimThickness (cm): 1.6 RimDepthDiameterRatio (%): 5.2 RimConfigurationRating (mm): 30.75 FlexibilityRating (kg): 8.73 FlyingCharacteristics: Stable Flightplatethickness: Flightplatetorimplanedistance: Notes: Abbreviation mark on the bottom= JLS (!). LS= Long straight. Own Millenium mold, looks a lot like a Leopard, but basically it is made from the Teebird top with a Whippet wing.

ImageCredits: Unknown
Millennium discs
long range driver
DiscLine: Quantum Variation: Quantum JLS PDGAApprovedDate: 20020530 Produced: 2002-> Diameter (cm): 21.1 MaxWeight (gram): 176.0 Height (cm): 1.8 RimDepth (cm): 1.1 InsideRimDiameter (cm): 18.0 RimThickness (cm): 1.1 RimDepthDiameterRatio (%): 5.2 RimConfigurationRating (mm): 30.75 FlexibilityRating (kg): 9.19 FlyingCharacteristics: Overstable Flightplatethickness: Flightplatetorimplanedistance: Notes: Own Millenium mold, looks a lot like a Leopard, but basically it is made from the Teebird top with a Whippet wing. This disc are made in the the same plastic as Innovas Champion. A test run around of 2000 disc were produced in the year 2000 in CE plastic. Aside from that, there are thousands of QJLS made in CE plastic, both with stock QJLS stamps and with tournament stamps (roughly years 2000-2002). The easiest way to ID them is by the opaque plastic. If you know what CE looks like, you'll be able to spot these. Every other run of QJLS has been translucent or cloudy, but not fully opaque like CE plastic. A CE-type QJ will look more like Pro plastic than the Champ-type QJLS everybody knows. Now for the stamp, the original 1.1 QJLS that was CE plastic had the same two-foil stamp style as the QMS... letters in one color, circles in another color. There were also 1.1 QJLS made with the single-foil stamp. There were some 1.2 QJLS stamped with the single-foil full stamp (letters and bubbles). The QJLS that most people know, with just the lettering, and no bubbles/dots/circles... it has just one color from the two-color stamp. The QJLS in Donkey's image is a regular letters-only 1-foil stamp. I can tell by the plastic that it's standard Champ-type plastic. 2-foil stamp = 1.1 QJLS (CE), opaque plastic = CE-type QJLS , stamp with circle pattern = possibly a CE-type, look for opaqueness and pronounced flashing = possibly a CE-type. Thanx to Zach Mallard at Millennium Discs for the information. Since winter of 2011/2012 also available with metalflakes in the plastic; called Stardust.

ImageCredits: Unknown
Millennium discs
long range driver
DiscLine: Champion Edition Variation: CE JLS test run 2000 PDGAApprovedDate: 20020530 Produced: late 2000 Diameter (cm): 21.2 MaxWeight (gram): 176.0 Height (cm): 1.8 RimDepth (cm): 1.1 InsideRimDiameter (cm): 18.0 RimThickness (cm): 1.1 RimDepthDiameterRatio (%): 5.2 RimConfigurationRating (mm): 30.75 FlexibilityRating (kg): 9.19 FlyingCharacteristics: Overstable Flightplatethickness: Flightplatetorimplanedistance: Notes: Own Millenium mold, looks a lot like a Leopard, but basically it is made from the Teebird top with a Whippet wing. This disc are made in the the same plastic as Innovas Champion edition-series. A test run around 2000 disc were produced in the year 2000. Most of them were dyed in one way or another, only 40-50 white ones were left untoched. Aside from that, there are thousands QJLS made in CE plastic, both with stock QJLS stamps and with tournament stamps (roughly years 2000-2002). The easiest way to ID them is by the opaque plastic. If you know what CE looks like, you'll be able to spot these. Every other run of QJLS has been translucent or cloudy, but not fully opaque like CE plastic. A CE-type QJ will look more like Pro plastic than the Champ-type QJLS everybody knows. Now for the stamp, the original 1.1 QJLS that was CE plastic had the same two-foil stamp style as the QMS... letters in one color, circles in another color. There were also 1.1 QJLS made with the single-foil stamp. There were some 1.2 QJLS stamped with the single-foil full stamp (letters and bubbles). The QJLS that most people know, with just the lettering, and no bubbles/dots/circles... it has just one color from the two-color stamp. The QJLS in Donkey's image is a regular letters-only 1-foil stamp. I can tell by the plastic that it's standard Champ-type plastic. 2-foil stamp = 1.1 QJLS (CE), opaque plastic = CE-type QJLS , stamp with circle pattern = possibly a CE-type, look for opaqueness and pronounced flashing = possibly a CE-type. Thanx to Zach Mallard at Millennium Discs for the information.

ImageCredits: Gottagogottathrow, US
Millennium discs
long range driver
DiscLine: Sirius Variation: Sirius JLS PDGAApprovedDate: 19990616 Produced: 2006oct-> Diameter (cm): 21.0 MaxWeight (gram): 174.3 Height (cm): 1.5 RimDepth (cm): 1.1 InsideRimDiameter (cm): 17.8 RimThickness (cm): 1.6 RimDepthDiameterRatio (%): 5.2 RimConfigurationRating (mm): 30.75 FlexibilityRating (kg): 8.73 FlyingCharacteristics: Stable Flightplatethickness: Flightplatetorimplanedistance: Notes: Abbreviation mark on the bottom= S- JLS. LS= Long straight. Abbreviation "S JLS". Own Millenium mold, looks a lot like a Leopard, but basically it is made from the Teebird top with a Whippet wing. The Q-JLS and S-JLS are more overstable than previous JLS molds.

ImageCredits: Millennium discs
Millennium discs
long range driver
DiscLine: Quantum Glow Variation: Glow Q JLS PDGAApprovedDate: 20020530 Produced: 2015-> Diameter (cm): 21.1 MaxWeight (gram): 176.0 Height (cm): 1.8 RimDepth (cm): 1.1 InsideRimDiameter (cm): 18.0 RimThickness (cm): 1.1 RimDepthDiameterRatio (%): 5.2 RimConfigurationRating (mm): 30.75 FlexibilityRating (kg): 9.19 FlyingCharacteristics: Overstable Flightplatethickness: Flightplatetorimplanedistance: Notes: Own Millenium mold, looks a lot like a Leopard, but basically it is made from the Teebird top with a Whippet wing. This disc are made in the the same plastic as Innovas Champion. Only available as fundraiser i Quatum Glow.

ImageCredits: Millennium discs
Millennium discs
long range driver
DiscLine: Quantum Lunar Variation: Q Lunar JLS PDGAApprovedDate: 20020530 Produced: 2022 August -> Diameter (cm): 21.1 MaxWeight (gram): 176.0 Height (cm): 1.8 RimDepth (cm): 1.1 InsideRimDiameter (cm): 18.0 RimThickness (cm): 1.1 RimDepthDiameterRatio (%): 5.2 RimConfigurationRating (mm): 30.75 FlexibilityRating (kg): 9.19 FlyingCharacteristics: Overstable Flightplatethickness: Flightplatetorimplanedistance: Notes: Own Millenium mold, looks a lot like a Leopard, but basically it is made from the Teebird top with a Whippet wing. This disc are made in the the same plastic as Innovas Champion. Only available as fundraiser in Lunar Quantum.

ImageCredits: Divergent Discs
Divergent Discs
long range driver
DiscLine: Ace Variation: Ace Kraken PDGAApprovedDate: 2021-05-03 Produced: 2020 Autumn Diameter (cm): 21.1 MaxWeight (gram): 175.1 Height (cm): 1.5 RimDepth (cm): 1.2 InsideRimDiameter (cm): 17.4 RimThickness (cm): 1.9 RimDepthDiameterRatio (%): 5.7 RimConfigurationRating (mm): 28.75 FlexibilityRating (kg): 12.05 FlyingCharacteristics: Stable Flightplatethickness: Flightplatetorimplanedistance: Notes: Divergent describes the disc like this: - Our Kraken driver is an easy to throw fairway driver with a 1.6cm thick rim. This straight flyer will provide excellent glide, control and distance for the recreational disc golfer. Even experienced players will enjoy the straight flight of the Kraken for controlled shots. This disc is available in Divergent’s super premium Ace plastic - Compared with some of the major brands, this driver is similar to the Innova Leopard or Latitude 64 River.- Flight numbers Speed 7, Glide 7, HSS -1 and LSS 1.

ImageCredits: Divergent Discs
Divergent Discs
long range driver
DiscLine: Max Grip Glow Variation: Max Grip Glow Kraken PDGAApprovedDate: 2021-05-03 Produced: 2022 March-> Diameter (cm): 21.1 MaxWeight (gram): 175.1 Height (cm): 1.5 RimDepth (cm): 1.2 InsideRimDiameter (cm): 17.4 RimThickness (cm): 1.9 RimDepthDiameterRatio (%): 5.7 RimConfigurationRating (mm): 28.75 FlexibilityRating (kg): 12.05 FlyingCharacteristics: Stable Flightplatethickness: Flightplatetorimplanedistance: Notes: Divergent describes the disc like this: - Our Kraken driver is an easy to throw fairway driver with a 1.6cm thick rim. This straight flyer will provide excellent glide, control and distance for the recreational disc golfer. Even experienced players will enjoy the straight flight of the Kraken for controlled shots. This disc is available in Divergent’s super premium Ace plastic - Compared with some of the major brands, this driver is similar to the Innova Leopard or Latitude 64 River.- Flight numbers Speed 7, Glide 7, HSS -1 and LSS 1. Released at the beginning of April 2022 in Glow plastic.

ImageCredits: Divergent Discs
Divergent Discs
long range driver
DiscLine: Max Grip Variation: Max Grip Kraken PDGAApprovedDate: 2021-05-03 Produced: 2022 March-> Diameter (cm): 21.1 MaxWeight (gram): 175.1 Height (cm): 1.5 RimDepth (cm): 1.2 InsideRimDiameter (cm): 17.4 RimThickness (cm): 1.9 RimDepthDiameterRatio (%): 5.7 RimConfigurationRating (mm): 28.75 FlexibilityRating (kg): 12.05 FlyingCharacteristics: Stable Flightplatethickness: Flightplatetorimplanedistance: Notes: Divergent describes the disc like this: - Our Kraken driver is an easy to throw fairway driver with a 1.6cm thick rim. This straight flyer will provide excellent glide, control and distance for the recreational disc golfer. Even experienced players will enjoy the straight flight of the Kraken for controlled shots. This disc is available in Divergent’s super premium Ace plastic - Compared with some of the major brands, this driver is similar to the Innova Leopard or Latitude 64 River.- Flight numbers Speed 7, Glide 7, HSS -1 and LSS 1.

ImageCredits: Divergent Discs
Divergent Discs
long range driver
DiscLine: Max Flex Variation: Max Flex Kraken PDGAApprovedDate: 2021-05-03 Produced: 2022 Autum-> Diameter (cm): 21.1 MaxWeight (gram): 175.1 Height (cm): 1.5 RimDepth (cm): 1.2 InsideRimDiameter (cm): 17.4 RimThickness (cm): 1.9 RimDepthDiameterRatio (%): 5.7 RimConfigurationRating (mm): 28.75 FlexibilityRating (kg): 12.05 FlyingCharacteristics: Stable Flightplatethickness: Flightplatetorimplanedistance: Notes: Divergent describes the disc like this: - Our Kraken driver is an easy to throw fairway driver with a 1.6cm thick rim. This straight flyer will provide excellent glide, control and distance for the recreational disc golfer. Even experienced players will enjoy the straight flight of the Kraken for controlled shots. This disc is available in Divergent’s super premium Ace plastic - Compared with some of the major brands, this driver is similar to the Innova Leopard or Latitude 64 River.- Flight numbers Speed 7, Glide 7, HSS -1 and LSS 1.

ImageCredits: Divergent Discs
Divergent Discs
long range driver
DiscLine: Max Grip UV Variation: Max Grip UV Kraken PDGAApprovedDate: 2021-05-03 Produced: 2022 Autum-> Diameter (cm): 21.1 MaxWeight (gram): 175.1 Height (cm): 1.5 RimDepth (cm): 1.2 InsideRimDiameter (cm): 17.4 RimThickness (cm): 1.9 RimDepthDiameterRatio (%): 5.7 RimConfigurationRating (mm): 28.75 FlexibilityRating (kg): 12.05 FlyingCharacteristics: Stable Flightplatethickness: Flightplatetorimplanedistance: Notes: Divergent describes the disc like this: - Our Kraken driver is an easy to throw fairway driver with a 1.6cm thick rim. This straight flyer will provide excellent glide, control and distance for the recreational disc golfer. Even experienced players will enjoy the straight flight of the Kraken for controlled shots. This disc is available in Divergent’s super premium Ace plastic - Compared with some of the major brands, this driver is similar to the Innova Leopard or Latitude 64 River.- Flight numbers Speed 7, Glide 7, HSS -1 and LSS 1.

ImageCredits: Divergent Discs
Divergent Discs
long range driver
DiscLine: Max Life Variation: Max Life Kraken PDGAApprovedDate: 2021-05-03 Produced: 2022 Autum-> Diameter (cm): 21.1 MaxWeight (gram): 175.1 Height (cm): 1.5 RimDepth (cm): 1.2 InsideRimDiameter (cm): 17.4 RimThickness (cm): 1.9 RimDepthDiameterRatio (%): 5.7 RimConfigurationRating (mm): 28.75 FlexibilityRating (kg): 12.05 FlyingCharacteristics: Stable Flightplatethickness: Flightplatetorimplanedistance: Notes: Divergent describes the disc like this: - Our Kraken driver is an easy to throw fairway driver with a 1.6cm thick rim. This straight flyer will provide excellent glide, control and distance for the recreational disc golfer. Even experienced players will enjoy the straight flight of the Kraken for controlled shots. This disc is available in Divergent’s super premium Ace plastic - Compared with some of the major brands, this driver is similar to the Innova Leopard or Latitude 64 River.- Flight numbers Speed 7, Glide 7, HSS -1 and LSS 1.

ImageCredits: Divergent Discs
Divergent Discs
long range driver
DiscLine: Max Value Variation: Max Value Kraken PDGAApprovedDate: 2021-05-03 Produced: 2022 Autum-> Diameter (cm): 21.1 MaxWeight (gram): 175.1 Height (cm): 1.5 RimDepth (cm): 1.2 InsideRimDiameter (cm): 17.4 RimThickness (cm): 1.9 RimDepthDiameterRatio (%): 5.7 RimConfigurationRating (mm): 28.75 FlexibilityRating (kg): 12.05 FlyingCharacteristics: Stable Flightplatethickness: Flightplatetorimplanedistance: Notes: Divergent describes the disc like this: - Our Kraken driver is an easy to throw fairway driver with a 1.6cm thick rim. This straight flyer will provide excellent glide, control and distance for the recreational disc golfer. Even experienced players will enjoy the straight flight of the Kraken for controlled shots. This disc is available in Divergent’s super premium Ace plastic - Compared with some of the major brands, this driver is similar to the Innova Leopard or Latitude 64 River.- Flight numbers Speed 7, Glide 7, HSS -1 and LSS 1.

ImageCredits: unknown
Innova/ Champion
long range driver
DiscLine: Dx Variation: Leopard PDGAApprovedDate: 19990512 Produced: 00 Diameter (cm): 21.1 MaxWeight (gram): 175.1 Height (cm): 1.6 RimDepth (cm): 1.1 InsideRimDiameter (cm): 18.0 RimThickness (cm): 1.6 RimDepthDiameterRatio (%): 5.2 RimConfigurationRating (mm): 29.25 FlexibilityRating (kg): 7.60 FlyingCharacteristics: Understable Flightplatethickness: Flightplatetorimplanedistance: Notes: Understable starter-driver with a nice glide. Made in Echo-Dx also in limited numbers during 2008, Echo is recycled Dx-plastic. Abbreviation mark on the bottom = L.

ImageCredits: unknown
Innova/ Champion
long range driver
DiscLine: Glo Variation: Glo Leopard PDGAApprovedDate: 20010129 Produced: 03- Diameter (cm): 21.1 MaxWeight (gram): 175.1 Height (cm): 1.6 RimDepth (cm): 1.1 InsideRimDiameter (cm): 18.0 RimThickness (cm): 1.6 RimDepthDiameterRatio (%): 5.2 RimConfigurationRating (mm): 29.25 FlexibilityRating (kg): 7.60 FlyingCharacteristics: Understable Flightplatethickness: Flightplatetorimplanedistance: Notes: Abbreviation mark on the bottom = L. Glow Plastic

ImageCredits: unknown
Innova/ Champion
long range driver
DiscLine: Champion Variation: Champion Leopard PDGAApprovedDate: 20010129 Produced: 03- Diameter (cm): 21.1 MaxWeight (gram): 175.1 Height (cm): 1.6 RimDepth (cm): 1.1 InsideRimDiameter (cm): 17.9 RimThickness (cm): 1.6 RimDepthDiameterRatio (%): 5.2 RimConfigurationRating (mm): 29.25 FlexibilityRating (kg): 7.60 FlyingCharacteristics: Stable Flightplatethickness: Flightplatetorimplanedistance: Notes: Abbreviation mark on the bottom = L. Available as Barry Schultz 2x signature disc.

ImageCredits: unknown
Innova/ Champion
long range driver
DiscLine: Champion Edition Variation: CE Leopard PDGAApprovedDate: 20010129 Produced: 2000dec-2002 Diameter (cm): 21.1 MaxWeight (gram): 175.1 Height (cm): 1.6 RimDepth (cm): 1.1 InsideRimDiameter (cm): 17.9 RimThickness (cm): 1.6 RimDepthDiameterRatio (%): 5.2 RimConfigurationRating (mm): 29.25 FlexibilityRating (kg): 8.85 FlyingCharacteristics: Stable Flightplatethickness: Flightplatetorimplanedistance: Notes: Abbreviation mark on the bottom = L. There are five different runs made, the 4th and 5th run are made in regular Champion plastic.

ImageCredits: Kjell Söderholm
Innova/ Champion
long range driver
DiscLine: Special Edition Variation: SE Leopard PDGAApprovedDate: 19990512 Produced: 00 Diameter (cm): 21.1 MaxWeight (gram): 175.1 Height (cm): 1.6 RimDepth (cm): 1.1 InsideRimDiameter (cm): 17.9 RimThickness (cm): 1.6 RimDepthDiameterRatio (%): 5.2 RimConfigurationRating (mm): 29.25 FlexibilityRating (kg): 7.6 FlyingCharacteristics: Understable Flightplatethickness: Flightplatetorimplanedistance: Notes: The Special Edition was a grippy very comfortable plastic, but short-lived caused by the problems with the poor quality of the discs, we think there was lots of rejects and the plastic wasn´t really durable.

Innova/ Champion
long range driver
DiscLine: Pro Line 2004 Variation: Pro Leopard PDGAApprovedDate: 20010129 Produced: 04- Diameter (cm): 21.1 MaxWeight (gram): 175.1 Height (cm): 1.6 RimDepth (cm): 1.1 InsideRimDiameter (cm): 17.9 RimThickness (cm): 1.6 RimDepthDiameterRatio (%): 5.2 RimConfigurationRating (mm): 29.25 FlexibilityRating (kg): 7.60 FlyingCharacteristics: Understable Flightplatethickness: Flightplatetorimplanedistance: Notes: Released in august 2004.

ImageCredits: Innova
Innova/ Champion
long range driver
DiscLine: Star Variation: Star Leopard PDGAApprovedDate: 20010129 Produced: 2006aug-> Diameter (cm): 21.1 MaxWeight (gram): 175.1 Height (cm): 1.6 RimDepth (cm): 1.1 InsideRimDiameter (cm): 17.9 RimThickness (cm): 1.6 RimDepthDiameterRatio (%): 5.2 RimConfigurationRating (mm): 29.25 FlexibilityRating (kg): 7.6 FlyingCharacteristics: Stable Flightplatethickness: Flightplatetorimplanedistance: Notes: Abbreviation mark on the bottom = S-L. Produced in a short run in recycled Echo Star plastic during April 2008, Echo is recycled Star-plastic.

ImageCredits: Discgolfvalues, Mark Molnar
Innova/ Champion
long range driver
DiscLine: Glo Champion Variation: Glo Champion Leopard PDGAApprovedDate: 20010129 Produced: 2011jan-> Diameter (cm): 21.1 MaxWeight (gram): 175.1 Height (cm): 1.6 RimDepth (cm): 1.1 InsideRimDiameter (cm): 17.9 RimThickness (cm): 1.6 RimDepthDiameterRatio (%): 5.2 RimConfigurationRating (mm): 29.25 FlexibilityRating (kg): 7.60 FlyingCharacteristics: Understable Flightplatethickness: Flightplatetorimplanedistance: Notes: Abbreviation mark on the bottom = L. Short run in made Glo Champion early 2011, photo shows cfr for the Asia Open 2011.

ImageCredits: Innova
Innova/ Champion
long range driver
DiscLine: GStar Variation: GStar Leopard PDGAApprovedDate: 20010129 Produced: 2013 December Diameter (cm): 21.1 MaxWeight (gram): 175.1 Height (cm): 1.6 RimDepth (cm): 1.1 InsideRimDiameter (cm): 17.9 RimThickness (cm): 1.6 RimDepthDiameterRatio (%): 5.2 RimConfigurationRating (mm): 29.25 FlexibilityRating (kg): 7.6 FlyingCharacteristics: Stable Flightplatethickness: Flightplatetorimplanedistance: Notes: Abbreviation mark on the bottom = GS-L. Produced in a short test run in GStar-plastic (Grippy Star) in December 2013.

ImageCredits: Innova/ Champion
Innova/ Champion
long range driver
DiscLine: Metal Flake Champion Variation: Metal Flake Leopard PDGAApprovedDate: 20010129 Produced: 2011 November-> Diameter (cm): 21.2 MaxWeight (gram): 175.1 Height (cm): 1.6 RimDepth (cm): 1.1 InsideRimDiameter (cm): 17.9 RimThickness (cm): 1.6 RimDepthDiameterRatio (%): 5.2 RimConfigurationRating (mm): 29.25 FlexibilityRating (kg): 7.60 FlyingCharacteristics: Stable Flightplatethickness: Flightplatetorimplanedistance: Notes: In Metal Flake Champion since end of 2011 but only as a fundraiser. Abbreviation mark on the bottom = L.

ImageCredits: Innova/ Champion
Innova/ Champion
long range driver
DiscLine: Champion Variation: Champion Leopard3 PDGAApprovedDate: 2017-08-29 Produced: 2015 May-> Diameter (cm): 21.2 MaxWeight (gram): 176.0 Height (cm): 1.7 RimDepth (cm): 1.1 InsideRimDiameter (cm): 17.8 RimThickness (cm): 1.7 RimDepthDiameterRatio (%): 5.2 RimConfigurationRating (mm): 29.25 FlexibilityRating (kg): 9.30 FlyingCharacteristics: Stable Flightplatethickness: Flightplatetorimplanedistance: Notes: Since May 2015 as fundraiser only. Since 2nd of November 2015 in the regular line-up. Abbreviation under disc is "L3". Flight rating S 7, G 5, HSS -2 and LSS 1.

ImageCredits: Innova/ Champion
Innova/ Champion
long range driver
DiscLine: Star Variation: Star Leopard3 PDGAApprovedDate: 2017-08-29 Produced: 2015 December-> Diameter (cm): 21.2 MaxWeight (gram): 176.0 Height (cm): 1.7 RimDepth (cm): 1.1 InsideRimDiameter (cm): 17.8 RimThickness (cm): 1.7 RimDepthDiameterRatio (%): 5.2 RimConfigurationRating (mm): 29.25 FlexibilityRating (kg): 9.30 FlyingCharacteristics: Stable Flightplatethickness: Flightplatetorimplanedistance: Notes: Abbreviation under disc is "L3". Flight rating S 7, G 5, HSS -2 and LSS 1. In the regular Star line up since 18th of January 2016.

ImageCredits: Innova/ Champion
Innova/ Champion
long range driver
DiscLine: GStar Variation: GStar Leopard3 PDGAApprovedDate: 2017-08-29 Produced: 2015 December-> Diameter (cm): 21.2 MaxWeight (gram): 176.0 Height (cm): 1.7 RimDepth (cm): 1.1 InsideRimDiameter (cm): 17.8 RimThickness (cm): 1.7 RimDepthDiameterRatio (%): 5.2 RimConfigurationRating (mm): 29.25 FlexibilityRating (kg): 9.30 FlyingCharacteristics: Stable Flightplatethickness: Flightplatetorimplanedistance: Notes: Abbreviation under disc is "L3". Flight rating S 7, G 5, HSS -2 and LSS 1. In the regular GStar line up since 18th of January 2016.

ImageCredits: Innova/ Champion
Innova/ Champion
long range driver
DiscLine: Glo Champion Variation: Glo Champion Leopard3 PDGAApprovedDate: 2017-08-29 Produced: 2016 Autumn-> Diameter (cm): 21.2 MaxWeight (gram): 176.0 Height (cm): 1.7 RimDepth (cm): 1.1 InsideRimDiameter (cm): 17.8 RimThickness (cm): 1.7 RimDepthDiameterRatio (%): 5.2 RimConfigurationRating (mm): 29.25 FlexibilityRating (kg): 9.30 FlyingCharacteristics: Stable Flightplatethickness: Flightplatetorimplanedistance: Notes: Abbreviation under disc is "L3". Flight rating S 7, G 5, HSS -2 and LSS 1. Since autumn 2016 in Glo Champion plastic as a fundraiser only. In the regular line-up since July 2018.

ImageCredits: Innova/ Champion
Innova/ Champion
long range driver
DiscLine: Dx Variation: Leopard3 PDGAApprovedDate: 2017-08-29 Produced: 2017 June-> Diameter (cm): 21.2 MaxWeight (gram): 176.0 Height (cm): 1.7 RimDepth (cm): 1.1 InsideRimDiameter (cm): 17.8 RimThickness (cm): 1.7 RimDepthDiameterRatio (%): 5.2 RimConfigurationRating (mm): 29.25 FlexibilityRating (kg): 9.30 FlyingCharacteristics: Stable Flightplatethickness: Flightplatetorimplanedistance: Notes: Abbreviation under disc is "L3". Flight rating S 7, G 5, HSS -2 and LSS 1. In the regular Dx line up since 18th of July 2017.

ImageCredits: Innova/ Champion
Innova/ Champion
long range driver
DiscLine: Luster line Variation: Luster Leopard3 PDGAApprovedDate: 2017-08-29 Produced: 2018 January-> Diameter (cm): 21.2 MaxWeight (gram): 176.0 Height (cm): 1.7 RimDepth (cm): 1.1 InsideRimDiameter (cm): 17.8 RimThickness (cm): 1.7 RimDepthDiameterRatio (%): 5.2 RimConfigurationRating (mm): 29.25 FlexibilityRating (kg): 9.30 FlyingCharacteristics: Stable Flightplatethickness: Flightplatetorimplanedistance: Notes: Abbreviation under disc is "L3". Flight rating S 7, G 5, HSS -2 and LSS 1. Released in January 2018, only available as a fundraiser/Tour-disc in Luster-line.

ImageCredits: Kjell Söderholm
Snap discsports
long range driver
DiscLine: Fire grade resin Variation: FGR-R1 Mashie PDGAApprovedDate: Produced: Diameter (cm): MaxWeight (gram): Height (cm): RimDepth (cm): InsideRimDiameter (cm): RimThickness (cm): RimDepthDiameterRatio (%): RimConfigurationRating (mm): FlexibilityRating (kg): FlyingCharacteristics: Stable Flightplatethickness: Flightplatetorimplanedistance: Notes: Prototype of a controldriver from summer of 2010. Matt at Snap wrote: "Mashie was designed as a utility driver- something for everyone. This disc loves to fly effortlessly straight, but can also be thrown right, left,and is an excellent controlled roller. Given some ceiling height, this disc can go FAR too! Snap flight ratings are as follows: Speed (1-10+): 9, Turn (0-3): 0.5, Fade (0-3): 1.2. Think faster Leopard.

ImageCredits: Ire Gear
Mother Truck
Ire Gear
long range driver
DiscLine: Ire Base Variation: Mother Truck PDGAApprovedDate: NA Produced: Diameter (cm): MaxWeight (gram): Height (cm): RimDepth (cm): InsideRimDiameter (cm): RimThickness (cm): RimDepthDiameterRatio (%): RimConfigurationRating (mm): FlexibilityRating (kg): FlyingCharacteristics: Understable Flightplatethickness: Flightplatetorimplanedistance: Notes: The manufacturer describes the disc like this: - Get our beginner to intermediate-level Mother Trucker Long Distance Driver and go rule the course! Great smooth flight path and control! Perfect 173g weight. Our Driver has disc ratings equal to some of the worlds top-selling stable discs such as the Discraft Sting and Innova Leopard3! – Flight rating: Speed 7, Glide 5, HSS -2 and LSS 1.